Summer Day Camp

Photo: Audubon Vermont

Adventure with Audubon!

About our Camps

Our day camps invite children to explore the world around them, get in touch with all of their senses, and connect to the plants and animals that call the Green Mountains home. There are moments of magic every day at camp, whether around the bonfire, on a hike to Lookout Rock, or scooping for critters at the pond.

Audubon's staff of experienced naturalists and educators is dedicated to providing a fun and educational experience for all campers. We want to inspire your child to connect more deeply with the natural world, build on their talents, and expand their ecological knowledge. While attending our day camps in Huntington, Vermont, they are bound to experience the thrill of hands-on exploration while enjoying the beautiful scenery that only the Green Mountains can offer!

Summer Matters

Governor Scott has declared that Summer Matters and we could not agree more! You might have found our program through the state's Summer Matters Program Map. If you are interested in attending our programs but are facing a financial hardship, please fill out a scholarship application. We welcome scholarship requests in any amount that will help make camp more affordable for you.

Lottery 2025

We will continue using a registration lottery for summer day camps again in 2025. We feel an incredible amount of support from our community and are honored that our camps have grown in popularity. We have done our best to make increases where we can, including hiring more summer staff and strengthening our Counselor-in-Training program. However, we have maxed out our space, and remain committed to low camper: instructor ratios for our outdoor programs. We are committed to improving access to our programs and a situation where the fastest internet gets the space is not where we want to be. We also want to turn down the stress and urgency where we can, so here is what you can expect this year: 

  • Camp registration is determined by a lottery. Families will apply to the camps in which they are interested.  

  • You will have between  February 14th- February 23rd at 11:59pm to sign up for camps. At this point, you will be put on the camp's waitlist. You can sign up any time during this window. You will sign up for each camp in which you are interested, for each camper. 

  • You can apply for scholarship funding once your camper has been taken off of the camp's waitlist. 

  • Campers will be selected for no more than 2 camps.

  • We will do our best to take siblings into consideration, but we cannot guarantee that siblings will get into the same camp or week (which was true with our old system as well).

  • Families will be notified of their acceptance into camp on March 7th and will have two weeks (until midnight March 23rd) to secure their camp spot by paying either the deposit (30% tuition) or paying in full. Unclaimed spaces go to families on the waitlist 

  • This year there is no application/accepted- we are trying something new. We will have 1 waitlist per camp that you will sign up for during the initial 2 week period. Those who do not get a spot in the inital lottery will stay on the wailist.  If you missed the initial lottery window, you can still add your campers to our waitlists. 

  • Camp balances must be paid down by April 21st or families forfeit their spot and deposit. If you need more time to pay, please call our office to set up a payment plan. Unpaid camps go to campers on the waitlist.


2025 Camp Brochure

Summer Camp 2025 Brochure Photo: Audubon Vermont
2025 Summer Camp brochure Photo: Audubon Vermont

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Welcome to summer camp registration 2025!

Welcome to summer camp registration 2025!

We are accepting lottery entries 2/14-2/23. Here's everything you need to know to sign up for summer camp.

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Camp Updates March 7, 2025
Summer Day Camps

Camp Updates March 7, 2025

This information was also shared to all accounts in CampDoc on March 7.

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Counselor in Training Program
Summer Day Camps

Counselor in Training Program

Join our high school CIT program and get paid to build skills as an outdoor educator and naturalist!

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Job Opportunities
About Us

Job Opportunities

Audubon offers various opportunities related to conservation, education and policy.

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Vacation Day Camps
Education Programs

Vacation Day Camps

Explore and adventure during school vacation with Audubon Vermont!

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Preschool Nature Camp
Summer Day Camps

Preschool Nature Camp

Nature play and exploration for 3 to 5-year-old campers.

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Ecology Day Camp
Summer Day Camps

Ecology and Middle School Camps

Full-day outdoor camps for 6 to 12 year old campers.

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Summer Camp Blog

Aquatic Adventures
Summer Day Camp Blog

Aquatic Adventures

Ecology Day Camp, July 22-26

Secrets of the Sanctuary
Summer Day Camp Blog

Secrets of the Sanctuary

Ecology Day Camp, July 15-19

Builders, Diggers, and Crafty Critters
Summer Day Camp Blog

Builders, Diggers, and Crafty Critters

Preschool Nature Camp, July 15-19

Nature Detectives
Summer Day Camp Blog

Nature Detectives

Preschool Nature Camp, July 8-12

Nature's Kitchen
Summer Day Camp Blog

Nature's Kitchen

Ecology Day Camp, July 8-12

Backwoods Ventures
Summer Day Camp Blog

Backwoods Ventures

Ecology Day Camp, July 1-3, 5

Chickadee Tree
Summer Day Camp Blog

Chickadee Tree

Preschool Nature Camp, July 1-5

Bring Out The Birds!
Summer Day Camp Blog

Bring Out The Birds!

Ecology Day Camp, June 24-28

Happy Little Trees
Summer Day Camp Blog

Happy Little Trees

Preschool Nature Camp, June 24-28

Your Guide to Summer Camp at Audubon
Summer Day Camp Blog

Your Guide to Summer Camp at Audubon

Please review with your camper before arrival

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