Youth Conservation Leadership Program

Engaging young adults in conservation, education and policy

Hannah Weiss, Education and Conservation Fellow. Photo: Rae Bronenkant / Audubon Vermont

The Youth Conservation Leadership Program at Audubon Vermont provides paid service-learning opportunities for young adults including work-based learning programs for high school students, internships for college-aged students in environmental education, conservation, and policy, and year-long service positions through AmeriCorps. We are engaging with young adults during a time in their lives when they are making important decisions about their educational and career paths. We hope this program helps to inspire and support the next generation of conservationists.

Supported in part by a generous Maggie Walker Incentive Fund Grant, the program will train the next generation of conservation leaders with the tools to tackle environmental challenges. 

Junior Conservation Technician Program
Youth Conservation Leadership Program

Junior Conservation Technician Program

A paid opportunity for teenagers to complete meaningful conservation work around the Green Mountain Audubon Center.

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Counselor in Training Program
Summer Day Camps

Counselor in Training Program

Join our high school CIT program and get paid to build skills as an outdoor educator and naturalist!

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Audubon Vermont Campus Chapters
Youth Conservation Leadership Program

Audubon Vermont Campus Chapters

National Audubon supports young professionals through the Campus Chapter program and Vermont campuses are hopping on board!

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Youth Conservation Leadership Program Guide

Youth Conservation Leadership Program Guide

Learn about our unique programs that offer paid, work-based and service-learning opportunities for youth 14-25.

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Youth Conservation Leadership Alumni
Youth Conservation Leadership Program

Youth Conservation Leadership Alumni

Stay connected with our flock of Audubon interns and where they've landed.

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Youth Leadership News

Junior Conservation Technician Program
Youth Conservation Leadership Program

Junior Conservation Technician Program

A paid opportunity for teenagers to complete meaningful conservation work around the Green Mountain Audubon Center.

Tough Conversations: Paying it Forward for Birds: When Ecological Economics Takes Flight

Tough Conversations: Paying it Forward for Birds: When Ecological Economics Takes Flight

Be challenged, informed, and armed with tools to take action.

High School Opportunities with Audubon Vermont

High School Opportunities with Audubon Vermont

Do you know someone who is between the ages of 14 and 18, interested in conservation work, and looking to build their professional skills? See what Audubon is offering!

Introducing our AmeriCorps Members!

Introducing our AmeriCorps Members!

AmeriCorps members aid in our mission. This year we have the privilege of hosting two!

Bobolink Migration

Bobolink Migration

Monitoring the 6,000-mile trip and the importance in their conservation.

Serve. Learn. Earn.
Youth Conservation Leadership Program

Serve. Learn. Earn.

Every young person should have a viable pathway to employment and affordable education in exchange for serving their state.

Burlington Poetry Walk Features Indigenous and Black Voices
Youth Conservation Leadership Program

Burlington Poetry Walk Features Indigenous and Black Voices

Audubon Vermont intern alumni Alexander Cotnoir reads his poetry and explains his writing process and the inspiration for his work.

This Summer on Poppasquash Island
Youth Conservation Leadership Program

This Summer on Poppasquash Island

Summer Environmental Conservation Intern Gus Lunde reviews the Common Tern activity on preserved islands in Vermont.

Youth Leadership Alumni Week: Reflections and Webinar Recordings
Youth Conservation Leadership Program

Youth Leadership Alumni Week: Reflections and Webinar Recordings

Environmental Education Intern Ciara Fagan's reflections on our first Youth Leadership Alumni Week!

How you can help, right now