
Birdathon with Us, Virtually

Join a Birdathon team and go birding with us, virtually. It’s a Birdathon for everyone, even beyond the borders of Vermont. #birdathonvt

Virtual Birdathon with Audubon

Like so many things in our world right now, Birdathon is going to be different this year. We’re inviting YOU to build our birding community by joining a Virtual Birdathon team and going birding with us, virtually... We’re excited for this opportunity to open up Birdathon to everyone, even beyond the borders of Vermont. 

In keeping with past traditions, our Birdathon is also a fundraiser to support Audubon Vermont’s work. Please consider a donation of whatever you're able to give. Even just $5, $10, or $15 will help us protect the birds and the places they need. We thank you for whatever you’re able to do right now.

More than anything else, we want you to enjoy the Birdathon experience with us.

Audubon Madison
Photo: Luke Franke/Audubon Madison

How do I participate? 

  1. Go birding! Have your own “big day” of birding any time from Saturday, May 16 to Monday, May 25, 2020 and submit your observations on our website.
  2. Make a Birdathon donation.
  3. Spread the word. Invite others to participate in #BirdathonVT to make it our biggest Birdathon ever.
  4. Do all three!
Birdathon Audubon Vermont
Bird with Audubon! Photo: Gwendolyn Causer/Audubon Vermont

How to Birdathon with Audubon:

  • Choose an Audubon Vermont staff or board member to join their team. Meet your Virtual Birdathon Team leaders here. When you join a team you will be automatically be entered into a Birdathon raffle and receive updates and birding tips from your team leader. 
  • Choose your birding day. Pick a 24-hour time period between Saturday, May 16 and Monday, May 25. Bird for as long as you like. You don’t have to stay up all night or wake up before the sun comes up. Go at your own pace.

  • Keep track of the number of different bird species you see and/or hear. The FREE Audubon Bird App or eBird are great ways to keep track of the birds you’ve seen. Or download and print this Birdathon species checklist. (Note: The checklist includes birds found at the Green Mountain Audubon Center in Huntington, Vermont.)

  • Submit your Birdathon observations online.

  • We will be tallying the total number of bird species seen by each team, so the more people who join us, the better! We’ll also be looking for the most colorful, largest, most spectacular, and rarest birds seen by birders. While you don’t have to be an early bird or night owl to join the Virtual Birdathon, there will be accolades for earliest (and latest) birders. Preview all of the categories here.

Grosbeak and Robin
From left: Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Photo: Kristine Olson/Audubon Photography Awards; American Robin. Photo: Joseph Mahoney/Audubon Photography Awards

Are you new to birding?
We’re so excited to have you join us. The birding resources and articles included here on our website will help make your birding more fun.

To help build your birding skills, each day our staff will share a resource to help all birders, from novice to expert, improve their skills. Follow us on social media to get your updates! 

How you can help, right now