Youth Conservation Leadership Program

Engaging young adults in conservation, education and policy

Hannah Weiss, Education and Conservation Fellow. Photo: Rae Bronenkant / Audubon Vermont

The Youth Conservation Leadership Program at Audubon Vermont provides paid service-learning opportunities for young adults including work-based learning programs for high school students, internships for college-aged students in environmental education, conservation, and policy, and year-long service positions through AmeriCorps. We are engaging with young adults during a time in their lives when they are making important decisions about their educational and career paths. We hope this program helps to inspire and support the next generation of conservationists.

Supported in part by a generous Maggie Walker Incentive Fund Grant, the program will train the next generation of conservation leaders with the tools to tackle environmental challenges. 

Junior Conservation Technician Program
Youth Conservation Leadership Program

Junior Conservation Technician Program

A paid opportunity for teenagers to complete meaningful conservation work around the Green Mountain Audubon Center.

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Counselor in Training Program
Summer Day Camps

Counselor in Training Program

Join our high school CIT program and get paid to build skills as an outdoor educator and naturalist!

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Audubon Vermont Campus Chapters
Youth Conservation Leadership Program

Audubon Vermont Campus Chapters

National Audubon supports young professionals through the Campus Chapter program and Vermont campuses are hopping on board!

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Youth Conservation Leadership Program Guide

Youth Conservation Leadership Program Guide

Learn about our unique programs that offer paid, work-based and service-learning opportunities for youth 14-25.

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Youth Conservation Leadership Alumni
Youth Conservation Leadership Program

Youth Conservation Leadership Alumni

Stay connected with our flock of Audubon interns and where they've landed.

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Youth Leadership News

Save the Seabirds: University of Vermont Students at the Capitol

Save the Seabirds: University of Vermont Students at the Capitol

UVM Birding Club went to the capitol in D.C. to educate legislators on gaps in bird protections for sea and shorebirds.

Frozen Feathers

Frozen Feathers

How Birds Stay Warm in Winter

Paid Service-Learning Opportunity for Teens at Audubon Vermont

Paid Service-Learning Opportunity for Teens at Audubon Vermont

Now hiring teens for our Junior Conservation Technician Program!

Spooky Species Highlight: American Crow

Spooky Species Highlight: American Crow

Are crows spooky or misunderstood? Our Education Intern, Noah, takes a stand!

Intern Reflection: Supporting the World through Local Work

Intern Reflection: Supporting the World through Local Work

Audubon Vermont hosts conservation, education, and policy interns every semester. Interns provide an intern's-eye view of the exciting and important work being done by Audubon Vermont every day. This article is a post term reflection from our outgoing Environmental Education Intern Eve Hallock. She reflects on the gloomy, hopeless outlook that hung over her college environmental courses. And shares how she's found hope in Community Based Conservation and her internship with us at Audubon Vermont. Check out our alumni page for more stories!

Women Can Do Conference

Women Can Do Conference

Representing women and nonbinary folks in conservation!

The Future of Bird-Friendly Maple

The Future of Bird-Friendly Maple

An exploration into the potential development of Bird-Friendly Maple and the costs and benefits of pursuing new approaches.

My First Term of Service: A Time of Discovery, Excitement, and Gratitude

My First Term of Service: A Time of Discovery, Excitement, and Gratitude

A Reflection On My Time As Audubon Vermont's Education and Outreach Coordinator AmeriCorps Member 2023

Happy Birds & Messy Forests

Happy Birds & Messy Forests

My experience as an Audubon Vermont Health Forests Conservation Intern.

How you can help, right now