Starting our day off with beautiful, sunny weather is always such a treat! We went on a bird scavenger hunt for our morning activity, looking for things such as a bird in flight, a birds nest, food for birds, and more! Once we finished our scavenger hunt, we revisited our bird drawing activity from the week before and got to draw a few more birds!
We loved painting the rocks last week so much that we decided to hike back to the brook to pick out a few more. While there, we also enjoyed some rock skipping and creating different rock powders. We picked our rocks and brought them back to the clubhouse to begin painting. We have such creative students! One student painted the Mystery Machine, one painted some sunflowers, and Emily painted a yellow spotted salamander!

After painting our rocks, we decided to get some energy out by playing a field game. We played a few rounds of One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. It was great watching all of the strategies our students used to try and grab the object without the caller knowing! We then headed back up for lunch.
After lunch, we ventured over to Beaver Pond to see what it might look like this week. There was a lot more water and the dam was bigger as well! Our new beaver has been very busy. We scooped up some giant tadpoles, lots of eastern newts, and macroinvertebrates as well. I encouraged our students to closely observe the landscape at beaver pond so that they could compare it with next week. With the beaver, the pond is changing very quickly.

To close out our day, we did some nature journaling before snack to record our observations at beaver pond. We then spent some time finalizing our plays and going through the costume bin to pick out our accessories for next week!
We can’t wait to see our students plays next week and are so proud of them for all of their hard work!