A little chilly start to the day, but all have a nice spring in our step. In the morning, we started to learn about birds and the nests that they build. First, with a nest guide we worked on identifying 5 nests that we have, they were all different sizes, shapes, and made with different materials. After we identifies who made each nest, we worked on making our own bird nests.

In the morning, we explored the river across the street. After building nests we really wanted to keep building, so we each got to take a camo critter and we built homes and villages together. We also listened to the spring birds singing and critters crawling on the cold ground. We talked about how there were so many more sounds today than a few weeks ago. This started a great conversation about spring migration and how right now thousands of birds will be entering Vermont to breed or as a stop as they fly even more north. You can record and see what birds are around using ebird! After the river we wanted to explore the brook, it had been a long time since our last visit. While there we skipped rocks, practiced our balance, searched for critters, and tested and timed sticks as they rushed down the brook.

The afternoon was spent exploring our Beaver Pond. We watched as Kingfishers dove for food in the pond, searched for newts and frogs, and played in the mud! Some of us tested out materials to make boats to send down the stream from the pond too!

Near the end of the day, we worked on our skits focusing on the story that we wanted to tell and share with our families and friends on our last day!