
Shelter for the Birds and the Bees

Shelter for the Birds and the Bees

There are plenty of natural and artificial features that wildlife can utilize.
The End of Maple? Maple Sugaring Amid a Changing Climate

The End of Maple? Maple Sugaring Amid a Changing Climate

— Climate change, and its impacts on northern forests, threaten to fundamentally alter where, when, and how we produce maple syrup. What does science say about the future of maple sugaring, and are there any bright spots?
Transgender Day of Visibility

Transgender Day of Visibility

— We stand with transgender staff, volunteers, members, birders, and the larger trans community on this day and every day.
Birds of the Sugarbush: Scarlet Tanager

Birds of the Sugarbush: Scarlet Tanager

— As a part of Maple Magic Month, our Engagement Interns will be highlighting a different bird of the sugarbush each week of March.
Backyard Maple Tapping for Beginners: Our Experience

Backyard Maple Tapping for Beginners: Our Experience

— Our Engagement Intern, Katie Fackler, taps for the first time in her Ohio backyard with her Dad. She created a how-to video for other beginners!
Overnight Maple Vermont French Toast

Overnight Maple Vermont French Toast

— Yet another sweet treat to indulge in this maple season! #AudubonMapleMagic
Saving Spring Skiing and Beyond

Saving Spring Skiing and Beyond

— Natural climate solutions and how to implement them in Vermont.
Lights Out Vermont

Lights Out Vermont

— Lights Out is a voluntary program that involves turning off and/or blocking as many building lights as possible at night, when bird migration is occurring during the spring and fall.
Birds of the (Sugar)bush: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Birds of the (Sugar)bush: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

— As a part of Maple Magic Month, our Engagement Interns will be highlighting a different bird of the sugarbush each week of March.
Sugaring in Wabanahkik (Land of the Dawn)

Sugaring in Wabanahkik (Land of the Dawn)

— An Abenaki History of Maple.