Monday (10/25): Rainy Day at Forest Camp
This Monday morning was rainy! We started out in the yard though, with our boots and rain suits and all, looking for 32 pictures of pumpkins around the front yard. The rain didn’t stop anyone’s enthusiasm to find and count all of our pumpkins.
We came inside for Morning Meeting and Snack and Story, and with our Morning Meeting Leader we came up with some indoor activities and decided we should make some time for an outdoor rainy adventure too. After our snack, everyone got to work on a Halloween-themed coloring sheet.
We decided to brave the rain for an adventure before lunch. Once we were suited up, we hiked over to Forest Camp, where we stayed pretty protected by the rain! Everyone came up with the idea to play Hide-and-Seek, and so we spent most of our time getting to look for one another and laughing lots whenever we found another hiding friend.
After spending lots of time looking for one another, we decided to spend some time looking for some critters! Together we flipped over rocks and logs to observe some wiggly worms and we even found a cold and curled up Red-Backed Salamander!
We came back to the barn to warm up and play with some puppets before lunch. After lunch we kept warm with a dance party in the barn before having some rainy Free Play to end the day.
Friday (10/29): Beaver Pond Halloween Day!
This past Friday at Forest Playschool we got to celebrate Halloween! It was so exciting to see so many fun costumes at drop-off in the morning. In the spirit of all things Halloween, we searched the front yard for 35 spooky and colorful ghosts.

We were also lucky to have such a beautiful day to celebrate. Looking forward to an adventure where we could spend more time in the sun, our Morning Meeting Leader chose for us to head down to Beaver Pond. We started our hike down after Snack and Story.

Beaver Pond was filled with so much sunshine! Before we even got to the space where we would play, we found a crayfish in a stream we had to cross over. We scooped him up in one of our “looky-no-touchy” bins and brought him to the pond with us. At Beaver Pond we found 6 Eastern Newts to add to our bin too, and one friend even spotted another camouflaged crayfish right before we left.
While some friends spent the afternoon looking for critters, others were building mud pies, stomping their boots, or pretending to fish. We even had a speaker with us playing Halloween music the whole time so some friends had a Halloween mud dance party!
We hiked back up for lunch and a special treat around the fire at Forest Camp. One of our friends so kindly brought apple cider for us to drink warm during lunchtime. We had so much fun at Beaver Pond today that we lost track of time, and lunch went all the way to pick up! We quickly had Thank You Circle before hiking back to the barn and sending everyone on their way.