Preschool Programs

February Break

February Break

— Week 20: February 19th and 21st
Forest Valentines

Forest Valentines

— Week 19: February 12th and 14th


— Week 18: February 3rd and 5th
Hello Snowmen

Hello Snowmen

— Week 17: January 29th and 31st
Farewell Snow Shelter

Farewell Snow Shelter

— Week 16: January 22nd and 24th
Snow Magical

Snow Magical

— Week 15: January 15th and 17th
Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

— Week 14: January 8th and 10th
Last of the Year!

Last of the Year!

— Week 13: December 11th and 13th
A Snowy Start to December

A Snowy Start to December

— Week 12: December 4th and 6th
Duck, Duck, Fox

Duck, Duck, Fox

— Week 11: November 20th and 22nd