We are busy getting ready for summer camp here at the Green Mountain Audubon Center, even though it’s the middle of the winter. One of the more exciting details of all this planning is deciding on a camp gift, something each camper will get to take home to remember their time at Audubon. This year, back by popular demand will be t-shirts! To make it even more special, we have decided to hold a design contest for this summer’s shirts. A summer camper you know could have their artwork on display on over 100 shirts!
The details:
- your design must fit on a standard sheet of letter-sized paper, 8.5” x 11”
- You design will only be printed in one color (for example, all in black or all in white) on a colored t-shirt, so keep that in mind as you make your drawing
- Your artwork needs to be sent to Audubon Vermont by MAIL (sorry, artwork sent electronically will not be accepted or reviewed) at 255 Sherman Hollow Road, Huntington, VT 05462 and needs to be postmarked by March 12, 2018 and must also include your name, age, and phone number
- We cannot return your artwork to you.
- The winner will be chosen by the Audubon Vermont staff. Please note that to make the t-shirts, your design might have to be altered for clarity of printing, fit, etc. and staff of Audubon Vermont reserve the right to modify your work as we see fit.
- Because Audubon Vermont’s summer camps serve campers aged 3-18, we would love designs to be submitted by artists within that age range. HOWEVER if you are a former participant of our camps, we would love to see your artwork too!
Contact Debbie Archer with questions. Happy drawing!