As previously announced we are moving to a lottery system for summer camp registration this year. We are hoping this makes our camps more equitable to access and less stressful for caregivers during registration. This will be an active process that requires an application be completed for each camper, for all camps except Stewards in Training (ages 13-16) and Twilight Adventures (ages 8-12) which will be open for regular registration.
Registration for the lottery will open on Thursday, February 15, 2024 and requires 2 steps:
- Select the “application” camps for which you want each camper to be considered.
- Complete the “Green Mountain Summer Application” for each camper under their profile.
Both steps need to be completed by 11:59pm on Sunday March 3 to be considered for the lottery. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed for the lottery but will be left for the waitlist.
- Families will be notified of their acceptance to camp on Friday, March 8.
- If you did not get a spot in camp, you will automatically be added to the waitlist. If you apply for camp after March 8, you will be added to the waitlist.
- All notifications will be sent through CampDoc. Be sure to allow emails from National Audubon Society Camps via CampDoc <> so you don’t miss a chance at camp.
Please review the information below to see how to complete the two above steps to be sure your application is considered for the lottery!
Step 1- Select the camps you want to attend.
Apply for camps online at
We are continuing to use CampDoc, which has been our registration software since 2020. If you previously made an account with them, log into that same account- it will have your camper’s information already saved (and you can add new campers if needed).
If you need to create an account follow these instructions:
Add a Participant and update the About You page.
The “participant” is your camper. The “about you” page is for the adult user of the software.
Please add an email address that you check regularly to receive notifications about camp. You can also add another user if needed.
Check camper profiles and add new campers if necessary
Our camps have age limits that are detected based on birthdates by the system. You will only be able to register for camps that align with age information unless your camper is on the cusp, in which case you will see both the older and younger camps. If you detect a mistake, you can request a demographic change.
Select the sessions for which you want to be considered
You can apply for as many sessions as you would like, but an individual camper will only be selected for up to 2 weeks of camp. Once their name has been drawn twice, they will not be considered for futher camps. Detailed instructions to select sessions can be found here
Helpful hint: Be sure to select Green Mountain Audubon Center (Huntington, VT) to see our camps

Step 2- Complete the Application
Without this next step, your application will not be complete!

Navigate to the Health Profile for each camper.
The “Green Mountain Application” needs to be completed to fully submit your application to the lottery. This is also where you can tell us about scholarship needs, half-day preschool, and pre-care. If you have signed up for the exempt camps, you will see all of the health profile questions. We only need the “application” section filled out by March 3. If you are only registering for lottery camps, you will only see the application.

If you have more questions, please check resources on our Summer Camp Page or give our office a call at 802-434-3068