Preschool Programs

Starting to Feel like Fall

Week 2 Sept 13th and 15th

Next Saturday is our first day of Fall, but our mornings are starting to have a real chill in the air. In our morning we spent some time finding 30 beavers that were hidden in the front yard! Some of us are real beaver finding experts! Before morning meeting we went around the circle and shared our names, pronouns, and answered a fun question. For the first month we will be practicing getting to know everyone’s names.

On Wednesday we enjoyed morning meeting and snack inside because it was raining a little too hard outside. Soon the rain became lighter and we were able to journey outside! We walked to Forest Camp and played in the mud kitchen, climbed some trees, and we also found out that the weather was perfect for amphibians! Many of us walked around Forest Camp turning over logs and rocks searching for them. We found so many worms and red backed salamanders! We then enjoyed lunch at Forest Camp too and ended out day with a dance party in the garden!

On Friday we took advantage of the clear skies and decided to hike up to Lookout Rock to enjoy the view. On the way, we dropped our lunches off at Forest Camp to enjoy later. All of the kiddos did a great job on the hike, and we paused at the top to enjoy the view. Emily led us in a sound map activity and then we hiked back down to Mossy Rocks for some playtime. Afterwards, we at our lunches at Forest Camp and returned to the front yard for Thank You Circle.

Wednesday September 13th

Saying "Hi" to our salamander friend
Worm Friends!
Checking out the critters
Fun at Forest Camp
Showing off our mud kitchen creation

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Friday September 15th

Emily telling us which mountains we can see
Heading up to Lookout Rock
Hanging out at our favorite tree on Mossy Rocks
Pointing out a woodpecker
Climbing down Mossy Rocks

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