What a snow filled day at Forest Playschool today! When there is snow on the ground, it brings a different level of excitement to the day.
We began our day right away outside building our snow fort, sledding down the hill and some of us were making snow angles in the front lawn too. When the snow fort was pretty much constructed we began to play snow cats, we dug in the snow, ran from fort to fort to stay safe, and searched for food.

Our morning meeting leader wanted to visit Forest Camp and see how it had changed with the snow. After snack and a craft of making predator ears we made our way to Forest Camp.

The snow kitchen was already at camp, which meant we could get right to baking. Snow food is so yummy! While some of us baked, others worked on our shelter by packing it will snow to insulate it!

Before we knew it, it was lunchtime and then pick up time! Time sure does fly by.
Next week is the last week of Forest Playschool, and Rae and I can’t wait to celebrate!