Summer Day Camp Blog

Pixies and Potions

July 22-26 2019

Pixies, Potions, and Pollywogs galore! 

Such a fun and magical week of Ecology Camp at Audubon!

Monday we focused on CURSED plants, aka invasive plants. We learned that what an invasive plant was and how they colonize and take over the land from our native plants, which causes a problem for our native animal’s food sources.  In the afternoon we had a task, take down the knotweed!  We pulled so much knotweed up from around the Huntington River and then dragged it back to the clubhouse to dry and so it could be used later in the week.

Group photo after ripping up knotweed! Photo: Audubon Vermont

Tuesday was potions, potions, potions.  We collected supplies for our potions throughout Audubon and learned about the different wild edibles that are on the property too.  We collected some hemlock needles and some sumac berries and made two different kinds of tea!  Very refreshing.

Wednesday we went fairy searching.  Audubon has so many different fairies all around our properties, from the brook fairy, coltsfoot fairy, blackberry fairy, etc.  In the afternoon we visited the Sherman Hollow Brook and Peeper Pond to search for fairies in the tall grasses and fallen down trees! We also made our wands as well with materials we collected the day before.

Investigating what we found at Peeper Pond Photo: Audubon Vermont
Photo: Audubon Vermont

Thursday was a busy day! We built fairy houses, later there was a gift from the fairies in those houses (potion bottles).  After building tiny shelters for the fairies, we built shelters for ourselves and they were AWESOME.  In the afternoon we made candles using melted crayons and with that fire we BURNED THE KNOTWEED!

Making crayons while burning knotweed! Photo: Audubon Vermont

Friday, always happy and sad to see it come.  We started our day with a treasure hunt set up by the Witch of Audubon, Violet Nightshade.  We needed to make a potion for her, and if it was up to her standards she would give us back the gift from our fairies that she took (our potion bottles)!  We succeeded and were given our gifts back. In the afternoon we played mythical Life and Death in the Forest!

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