This activity is for friends of Audubon near and far! Wherever you are, you can participate in Maple Bingo. Maple Bingo will be played somewhat like a scavenger hunt - rather than someone calling out the items, you'll venture out into the world to find (at least) five things that connect horizontally, vertically or diagonally on the board. Some items may seem specific to a sugarbush, such as a sap bucket, but you may count ANY bucket you encounter whether it is in a sugarbush or holding your compost. The flexible rules are an effort to make sure that this is inclusive no matter where you live.
To participate you will need:
The Maple Bingo Board (Maple_Bingo_Board.pdf)
A pen or pencil
To enter the maple syrup raffle:
Take a picture once you win Bingo (or you may choose to find everything on the board)
Post your photo to Instagram as post or story and use #AudubonMapleMagic (NOTE: If there is no hashtag, we have no way of finding your entry)