To make the seed balls, the ingredients are simple:
- Clay
- organic matter (soil, dirt, etc)
- water
- a pinch of seeds.
Mix equal parts compost or soil with clay with a little bit of water until you have a dough that sticks together but is not soggy. Roll into pea size balls. Press your finger into the ball to create a bowl shape. This is where you will place a pinch of seed. For large seeds like milkweed, use 3 seeds; for small seeds a pinch will do. Gently roll the seed into the inside of the ball and set aside.

If you are using large seeds such as acorns, you will need a golf ball size bomb. Seeds from maple, ash or wild cherry will need a ball the size of a grape.
The seed balls can be left out for a couple of hours to firm up, but you do not want them to dry out inside. They should then be stored in a plastic bag or placed in an egg carton in the refrigerator until you are ready to engage in your guerilla seed bombing action.
Please remember that this is not an action for state or national parks or your local conservation land (unless they have given you specific approval). Try this in your yard, neighborhood, school, or other private land with permission from the landowner.
The seed bombs can also be planted in a pot of potting soil at home. Cover the pot with wire mesh to keep the squirrels and birds from eating the seeds. Leave the pot outdoors over the winter to mimic natural conditions.
Additional Seed Ball instructions from National Audubon Society
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