Audubon from Home


Ages 6-12. Briefly explore the Sherman Hollow Brook with Teacher Naturalist Emily Kaplita

What is a macroinvertrebrate? Macroinvertebrates are incredible creates that we can find in our bodies of water. In this video Emily walks you through what they are and a quick step by step process of how and where to find macroinvertabrates! 

If you are interested in finding out if a body of water near you is good quality, at minimum all you will need is a basin and this Biotic Index sheet.  This sheet will help you determine what macroinvertrebrates you gathered and then you can see if the body of water is good quality or not.  

Macroinvertebrate Biotic Index Chart for water quality Photo:

There are many factors that go into acessing the health of a body of water, and macroinvertebrates only one factor, but a good start! There is also the chemical health (like pH) of the water and the surrounding land health which looks like gound coverage, canopy cover, and much more.

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