Fifth generation Vermonter Mike Isham and his wife Helen Weston strive to put the environment at the forefront of all their work on the Isham Family Farm in Williston. While there are many basic and essential questions that a business needs to come up with answers to, Mike and Helen have added a rather unique one, “How does our work today affect the 4 B’s (Birds, Bees, Butterflies, and Bugs).”
Through self-education, professional advice, and hard work their passion for the environment has become a focal point of their stewardship of the Isham Family Farm property. In fact, this past year they became one of the newest participants in the Bird-Friendly Maple program.

In addition to producing maple syrup Mike and Helen also grow blueberries, raspberries, pumpkins, and Christmas trees. During the holiday season their sugarhouse is usually buzzing with excitement. After selecting a tree most people go inside for a cookie and hot cocoa in front of the woodstove. Sadly this year, due to the pandemic, the sugarhouse had to shut its doors to the public and cancel the cookies, cocoa, and woodstove.
Mike and Helen decided to keep the Christmas spirit alive by letting the Chittenden County Community know that $5 of every Christmas tree sold from the farm would be put into a fund to support the environment. Audubon Vermont was proud to join 350Vermont as the organizational recipients of this fund. Mike and Helen made it very clear that while the check came from the Isham Family Farm, it was really a donation from the Chittenden County Community.
Warm thanks to Mike, Helen, and the greater community for their generous support of the environment that supports us all.