Forest Classroom

Happy Last Day!

Week 15; May 20 2024

The weather today was better than anyone could have asked for. As everyone arrived our activity was a matching one. There were young and adult card pairs of macroinvertebrates and our task was to match the young and adult cards correctly using the photos on one side and the hints on the other. We worked together to match them all up correctly! We also shared what our favorite macroinvertebrate in the group was and why. Some picked the green frog; others picked the leech and the caddisfly. These tiny critters are so incredible.  

Before it got to hot we wanted to venture to Beaver Pond and catch some critters. We also decided that throughout the whole day we wanted to ID birds and critters, do a mini bioblitz. We heard/heard 15 birds and we saw 10 others critters, like chipmunks, frogs, dragonflies, and so much more. Beaver Pond was busy! With the beaver work the mud flat area is now completely under the water but the mud s so hard it’s easy to walk out on and explore. We caught 10 HUGE tadpoles, 25+ eastern newts, a leech, and a dragonfly nymph too.  

Student in beaver pond
Catching critters in Beaver Pond Photo: Audubon Vermont
students in pond
Photo: Audubon Vermont
critters in basin
Some of the critters we caught from the pond Photo: Audubon Vermont

Before lunch we worked on our skits, we made sure that we practiced out lines, had our costumes figured out, and got every detailed worked out.  

After lunch we wandered to the Brook where we caught 4 spring salamanders and a Green Frog! We also experimented with rocks and made some great rock paint too. It was so nice to be in the shade and have some cold water on our toes. 

students exploring brook
Searching for critters in the Brook Photo: Audubon Vermont
students making rock paint
Making rock paint Photo: Audubon Vermont
rock paint making
Photo: Audubon Vermont
group on rock at the brook
Group photo at the brook Photo: Audubon Vermont

Our day ended with families arriving early to see our 2 plays/skits that we had been working on for the past few weeks. Each group did an incredible job, the 2 plays where very different from each other and it was wonderful to see the students hard work play out. 

students preforming skit
Watching the first skit/play Photo: Audubon Vermont

With this year flew by, I'm so happy that every week started with this program and these incredible students! Registration for the 2024-25 session is open too! 

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