Such incredible weather to welcome our first day of the year! As our students arrived everyone was able to pick a cubby for their use for the year and then decorate their name tag that will be put in all year! After we decorated, we then had to find 25 paper monarch butterflies that were hidden all around the yard!
All together we went around and shared out names, answered a fun question (what is your favorite animal), and also talked about our Audubon school rules. We learned what having compassion meant, how we can be good friends and students, and to be sure we are safe and having fun!
On Wednesday our group planned a wonderful day! We played in the yard and then journeyed to Forest Camp where we walked our boundaries before we got to play. At Forest Camp we found over 20 red backed salamanders hiding under our stumps and rocks! Many of us climbed trees, played in the mud kitchen, and built some bird nests too! We then had lunch and stories at the picnic tables and ended our day coloring. Before pick up we circled for Thank You Circle and shared out favorite part of the day!

On Friday we welcomed Truman to the group who will be with us for the year! We planned our day together during morning meeting. Of course the day was filled with play and laughter. We journeyed to Forest Camp, played in the mud kitchen, made some incredible fairy houses and looked for some great critters too. We ended our day coloring butterflies and grasshoppers.

What an incredible first week!