It’s officially Autumn and the weather is starting to reflect that. We were welcomed with a crisp cool breeze in the morning and many friends wearing more layers. The animal that we were finding in the morning is one that is journeying to burry themselves in the dirt and is similar to a frog…..We were finding American Toads, and 28 of them!
On Wednesday we picked our first Morning Meeting leader! She planned an awesome day for us starting with Snack in the yard and then doing a HUGE hike! We had hopes to make it to Beaver Pond, but that was a little far for only our 3rd week, but we made it to Peeper Pond! There we ran around on the trails, played together, looked at the flowers growing and listened to the birds. We hiked up and it was time for lunch! We enjoyed two stories, Opossum Moon and Squirrels! We ended out time playing in the backyard and finishing with Thank you Circle and hearing everyone’s favorite part of the day!

Friday our morning meeting leader was set on spending our time at Forest Camp! After morning meeting we too out snacks, lunches, and water bottles to Forest Camp along with some supplies to have a fire. Truman made us a great fire to keep some of the bugs away. Many of use got super muddy cooking in the mud kitchen, they were baking up a storm! Others enjoyed building fairy houses and climbing trees. Before lunch we went on a little hike through the arboretum and looked at the leaves changing and the birds singing in the sunshine. We enjoyed our lunch around our fire and ended our day with thank you circle!