Here are two excellent opportunities for members of our community to connect to the place they love and value.
1. Catalog your backyard, for science!
Our friends over at North Branch Nature Center, the Vermont Center for Ecostudies, and the Vermont Alliance for Half-Earth have a community science project going right now and they need your help. The Backyard BioBlitz is open to anyone in VT, although you do need access to a computer or mobile device.
"Submit your observations of any wild organism (sorry, no friends, pets, or garden plants) living wherever you happen to be-- the woods, the yard, or inside your own home!"
Learn how to participate in this project here: This is only for a limited time, data must be recorded and submitted by May 20th.
2. Share the joy of the Mad River Watershed.
friendsofthemadriver What do you love about life in the Mad River Valley?
And if you live in the Mad River Watershed, you can tag your favorite photos from your backyard #MadShedLove on social media for Friends of the Mad River. They will also accept photos sent to them directly.
#madshedlove is all about life in the MAD River Valley, the waterSHED that connects us, and sharing the LOVE.
There is so much to love about life in the Valley. We want to see your photos and videos, hear your stories, and get inspired.
Learn more about #MadShedLove here: