A male Red-winged Blackbird vocalizing a territorial call.
A male Red-winged Blackbird vocalizing a territorial call.

A male Red-winged Blackbird singing. Photo: Charles Wheeler/Audubon Photography Awards
A male Red-winged Blackbird singing. Photo: Charles Wheeler/Audubon Photography Awards


Birding by Ear

Taking your birding to new levels.

Sound is incredibly important in the world of birds - from communicating with potential mates, to establishing and defending territories, to alerting the flock about incoming danger. As birders, we can use these vocalizations to enhance our birding skills by giving us a new tool to identify our avian friends, a particularly useful skill that does not rely on sight!

Join Audubon Vermont's Gwendolyn Causer for an introduction to birding by ear. This is perfect for those new to birding by ear.

This presentation was originally presented as a webinar for AARP of Vermont, hosted on April 26, 2022.

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