Working Lands

From developing partnerships and demonstration sites to providing training opportunities and technical habitat management assistance, Putting Working Lands to Work for Birds and People is providing landowners and land managers with the tools to enhance properties in cost-effective ways while supporting populations of priority bird species.

Working Lands News

Bird-Friendly Maple: Partners in Action

Bird-Friendly Maple: Partners in Action

Cold Hollow to Canada, Audubon Vermont, and Vermont Youth Conservation Corps join together for a wildlife-friendly project in Belvidere.

How We Make Maple Syrup: The Bird-Friendly Way

How We Make Maple Syrup: The Bird-Friendly Way

Learn about how maple is produced in a way that's bird-friendly!

Clean Water and Bird Habitat Work at Nordic Farms

Clean Water and Bird Habitat Work at Nordic Farms

What's good for the birds is good for protecting our clean water.

Green Mountain National Forest at Risk Due to Proposed National Rule

Green Mountain National Forest at Risk Due to Proposed National Rule

Federal Government Proposes to Gut Bedrock Environmental Law

Using ArcGIS to Find Warblers and Share Audubon's Stories

Using ArcGIS to Find Warblers and Share Audubon's Stories

Graduate student intern Steven LaMonde utilized high-tech mapping technology.

Pollinator-Friendly Solar with Bird-Friendly Buffers
Working Lands

Pollinator-Friendly Solar with Bird-Friendly Buffers

Land under and around solar arrays can be planted with bird-friendly and pollinator-friendly native plants: a benefit to agriculture, clean energy, bees and birds.

Woods, Wildlife and Warblers Program
Working Lands

Woods, Wildlife and Warblers Project

Technical assistance for Vermont landowners interested in stewarding their forests for diverse bird habitat

How you can help, right now