Working Lands

From developing partnerships and demonstration sites to providing training opportunities and technical habitat management assistance, Putting Working Lands to Work for Birds and People is providing landowners and land managers with the tools to enhance properties in cost-effective ways while supporting populations of priority bird species.

Working Lands News

Bird-Friendly Maple Resources
Working Lands

Bird-Friendly Maple Resources

Explore our Bird-Friendly Sugarbush Management Guidelines, Project Brochure and nifty Poster! Resources for Sugarmakers found here, too.

Bird-Friendly Maple Sugarmakers
Working Lands

Bird-Friendly Maple Sugarmakers

Maple sugarbushes are inherently good for birds, but forests that are intentionally managed with birds in mind are even better!

Forestry for the Birds Demonstration Sites
Working Lands

Forestry for the Birds Demonstration Sites

Interested in seeing what timber management with birds in mind looks like and learning how it works first hand?

Links & Additional Resources
Working Lands

Links & Additional Resources

Related topics and organizations

For Landowners
Working Lands

For Landowners

Roughly 80% of our region's forests are privately owned, making private woodlands part of the solution.

Foresters for the Birds
Working Lands

Foresters for the Birds

Integrating timber and songbird habitat management

Why Healthy Forests?
Working Lands

Healthy Forest Initiative

Why Forest Birds? We work directly with landowners, foresters, and other partners to support forest management and policy that benefits the suite of responsiblity birds in Vermont and along the Atlantic Flyway.


How you can help, right now