Today was such an incredible Fall day! The sun came out for us around snack time and it warmed up the air and the colors all around us too. As we arrived i got everyone their own little orange pumpkin that we then painted and decorated our own way. Some of us painted funny faces, some of us painted our pumpkins into tomato's, others just made them bright and colorful. It was so great to see how creative everyone got.

After morning snack we journeyed to Beaver Pond, not to look for critters but to build rafts. Truman helped teach us what plants give us the best fiber to build cord/string with. We use Dead milkweed stalks and the bark of cottonwood trees. It was great to see how different everyone took the idea of building a raft. Some of us worked on small sized vessels, while one group worked on building a larger sized raft. We tested them all to make sure they would float, and they all did! During this activity it was great to see the students test materials, they tried using something and then if that didn’t work looked for a different way.

We then hiked up to the education barn to have lunch. After lunch we had a small lesson in how to use binoculars and we took a pair on a bird walk. While we went on our walk we also made sure to stop at the birdhouses to clean them out for the spring time. We cleaned 7 houses and we saw a couple birds too!

Our day wasn’t over there, we then hiked back down and spent some time working together on a fairy house village in the woods. While we were doing this a few friends found the SMALLEST red eft! After we were done building we enjoyed our sit spot journal time to reflect on our day.

These Fall adventure days are the best!