Forest Classroom

Critter Exploration

Week 3, September 15, 2021

These weeks are flying by! The weather was nice and Ciara our AmeriCorps Member finally joined us for our wonderful adventures!

In the morning we enjoyed some free explore time! We found something magical, a Yellow Spotted Salamander getting tucked in the for fall and winter!

yellow spotted salamander
Photo: Audubon Vermont

When we all arrived we did some quick introductions since we had a new face joining us and it is always great to remind everyone of our names and pronouns. After introductions and going over our unicorn rule book we needed to play a game, so we ran down to the field and enjoyed a few rounds of Park Ranger.

After this we grab a sip of water and sat down to discuss our plan for the day during morning meeting. After snack and Share and Tell we would travel to Beaver Pong and collect come critters and explore and then we would go to the Brook to our favorite spot, Instant Death waterfall! (A very small waterfall through some rocks). During share and tell one friend brought some snake skins to show us! Super cool how you can see all of the different scales and how delicate it is.

At Beaver pond many of us found some minnows, some back swimmers, a couple newts, I caught a pickerel frog, and we spent a while trying to catch a sneaky crayfish. It was so wonderful to see how we are all becoming so familiar with the space and the critters too. We also had some friends make some mud balls and experiment with the wetness of the mud and how useful it can be.

At the Sherman hollow Brook we explored the moving water and the critters we could find lurking under the rocks. We also experimented with water flow and saw how different materials moved down the waterfall and which pathways they would take.

Photo: Audubon Vermont
Trying to find critters under a log at the Brook Photo: Audubon Vermont
Photo: Audubon Vermont
Photo: Audubon Vermont

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Lunch came and we enjoyed the start of our chapter book Hoot that we will be reading every lunch. We wrapped up with some free time and Thank you Circle and some free time building forts before our rides came for pick up!

Student building a fort
Photo: Audubon Vermont

It is so wonderful to learn and experience the world with this program!

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