Sketch with Sibley
Sketch with Sibley

Sketch with Sibley chickadee art. Photo: Rachel Zierzow
Sketch with Sibley chickadee art. Photo: Rachel Zierzow

Audubon from Home

Sketch with Sibley

Drawing birds with the master and being OK with being a novice.

Here's the thing about drawing birds. It's all about the process. The wonderful thing about drawing birds is that it helps you slow down and really look closely at a bird and ask questions.

What makes a chickadee look like a chickadee? What's going on with the pattern of color on the wings of a goldfinch? Just how big are those owl's eyes?

Here's the secret about drawing birds. It's OK no matter what your drawing ends up looking like. Because you learned something about that bird while you were drawing - and that's what it's all about. 

So try your hand at these three drawing videos with David Sibley, the ornithologist who wrote and illustrated The Sibley Guide to Birds. Then spend some time drawing the birds just outside your window and enjoy the process!

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