
Managing Habitat for Birds in the Winter

Creating new habitat for birds at Nordic Farms and the Catamount Family Center.

There is no time to relax when it comes to managing habitat for birds. In fact winter is an ideal time to get work done. Two recent projects in the Champlain Valley are good examples of winter work for the birds.

The first, at Nordic Farms in Charlotte was a partnership between the Vermont Land Trust (VLT) and Audubon Vermont. Habitat management focusing on invasive plant removal was completed in December. This coming spring additional planting work will restore native habitat in wetlands along streams. This work creates habitat for Golden-winged Warblers and other bird species that require shrubs for nesting and foraging. For more information and visuals of the project check out this VLT photo essay

This work was generously funded through a grant to VLT from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Land Trust Grant Program.

The second winter project designed to enhance habitat for Golden-winged Warblers and other young forest species was completed at the Catamount Community Forest. Chittenden County Forester Ethan Tapper worked with the Catamount Family Center and the Town of Williston. The habitat-improvement work created openings in the forest adjacent to the powerline right of way and expanded the footprint of shrub habitat favored by priority bird species. Ethan created an educational story map and video to learn more about the project.

This work received funding from the US Fish and Wildlife Partners for Wildlife Program.

So even as the snow flies there is work to be done to create the habitat needed for Vermont’s birds, both those that stay with us and those soon to return.

Golden-winged Warbler Photo: Mark LaBarr

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