Winter is upon us and the perfect time of year to learn about our animal neighbors and see what they are up to. In our new format, families sign up for the whole season so we can build on what we learned last time. The Winter session of Unschool will start December 15 by learning how our animal neighbors survive our long winters and will end February 16 with us (hopefully) making a quinzhee. Each session offers 3 programs (one each month) that highlight the goings-on of the season. This program meets from 9am-1pm, usually on the 3rd Thursday of the month, and is for learners ages 6-12.
Check out the winter offerings below. Learn more about this program and find the link to register here:
- Dec 15 Migrate? Hibernate? Stay Active? How will you survive this winter? By learning the different strategies that our animal neighbors have adapted to use, maybe we can learn more about ourselves. After some experiments in the cold, we will create a creature of our own!
- Jan 19 Winter wildlife and tracking. With the help of the snow covered ground we can follow the clues to figure out who has been here. Decipher the stories in the snow and make some of your own! There are both predators and prey active all winter long, can you tell who is who?
- Feb 16 Winter Wilderness Survival. Let's see if we can make a shelter out of snow, learn a few different kinds of knots, and remember the rule of 3 and how to leave no trace.
Questions? Email Education Manager Debbie Archer

By Debbie Archer
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