I don’t want to jinx anything, but we’ve been really having some wonderful weather at Forest Classroom these past 9 weeks. It was chilly upon arrival, but the sun was out and shining which really helped us stay warm.
As we all arrived we enjoyed some free explore time and this way everyone could admire others costumes and enjoy the spirit of Halloween. We had a Cyclist, a cat skeleton, an army ranger, a bat, a butterfly, and a ninja join us today! It was wonderful to see everyone dressed up and feeling so happy.
After snack we enjoyed a wonderful few rounds of Park Ranger in the field! The themes this time were, candy and spooky Halloween things. These themes were a lot of fun to play with.
No surprise, but during morning meeting we planned to build fires! This time we built them over by the larger fire pit near the Clubhouse. As the students built their little ones and practiced, I built a larger fire in the fire circle for us to eat lunch around later. Today we were building the fire structure of a lean-to. This is where you have 1 larger stick on the side and you lean small sticks against it, and in the space under those stick is where you would put your smallest sticks and bark (tinder). This structure caused some struggles, but we all made it through.
Today was a celebration of Halloween and a friend’s birthday, and so to celebrate we roasted marshmallows (yummmm). Some of us made them nicely golden brown, where others like to fully roast them!
We read more of our book Hoot around the fire and ate our lunch. After we wrapped up we journeyed into the woods to play a few rounds of Camouflage. We ended with Thank You Circle in the woods and then our adults came for pick up!
Only 3 more weeks left!