Summer Day Camp Blog

Chickadee Tree

June 28- July 2, 2021

During this avian filled week at Preschool Nature Camp we discovered what birds eat, what they use to build nests, how they communicate, and so much more!

We opened up the week with a game of Birdie, Birdie Cross My Sky where we each picked a species of bird and crossed the field when a predator called out a characteristic that matched our bird. We cooled down after with a bird scavenger hunt around the Audubon property. 

Wednesday we took a bird hike to Mossy Rocks, along the way we stopped and pointed out any birds we saw which we then identified using our bird ID cards! We spent the rest of the day learning about bird nests and building our own forts and fairy houses.

Owl day! We all got to look at and pet a real (taxidermied) barred owl. Sarah taught us how owls communicate, and we all practiced our hooting. We also dissected owl pellets and got to keep the bones of any prey that we discovered.

Friday was rainy, but we had a blast at the bird stations inside the barn. We made bird masks, watercolor painted, and even started our own play dough bakery.


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