Working Lands

From developing partnerships and demonstration sites to providing training opportunities and technical habitat management assistance, Putting Working Lands to Work for Birds and People is providing landowners and land managers with the tools to enhance properties in cost-effective ways while supporting populations of priority bird species.

Working Lands News

The Future of Bird-Friendly Maple

The Future of Bird-Friendly Maple

An exploration into the potential development of Bird-Friendly Maple and the costs and benefits of pursuing new approaches.

Happy Birds & Messy Forests

Happy Birds & Messy Forests

My experience as an Audubon Vermont Health Forests Conservation Intern.

Working Lands

Audubon Endorsed Forester Directory

Find a forester that can work with you to develop a bird-friendly forest management plan for your property.

Adaptation Amidst a Changing Climate for Forests and the Birds That Call Them Home

Adaptation Amidst a Changing Climate for Forests and the Birds That Call Them Home

Birds are richly diverse, readily observable, and exist in an equally wide array of habitat conditions across the landscape, making them excellent storytellers of environmental shifts. And indeed, their numbers are telling us that major change is afoot.

Audubon Announces First-Ever Endorsed Foresters
Working Lands

Audubon Announces First-Ever Endorsed Foresters

We are thrilled to share that Caitlin Cusack (Vermont) and John MacNaught (New York) have become endorsed for prioritizing bird habitat in their management recommendations.

Shades of Green: Considering Birds and Complexity in the Management of Vermont Forests; a 3-part series.

Shades of Green: Considering Birds and Complexity in the Management of Vermont Forests; a 3-part series.

Shades of Green Part 1 (of 3): The Diverse Benefits of Vermont’s Forests

Audubon Forester Training and Endorsement Program
Working Lands

Audubon Forester Training and Endorsement Program

Creating a national network of professional foresters working in partnership with Audubon to promote healthy forest ecosystems that provide high-quality habitat for priority bird species, at scale.

Bird Friendly Maple and Coffee

Bird Friendly Maple and Coffee

Support the birds and get 5% off!

How you can help, right now