uch a wonderful Friday for the last day of Forest Playschool this season. Even though it was a little chilly when everyone was first showing up, it didn't stop us from playing outside in the snow. Some of us spent some time making snow desserts including pies, muffins and snow syrup. Debbie brought out some shovels and we went to work building a snow monster! We defeated the Audubon snow monster by jumping on it. You can truly have endless fun in the snow.

Before we went inside for morning meeting we had fill the bird feeders by the office. We got to the porch, looked at the feeders, and talked about which ones needed more seed. We all took turns putting seed in, until the feeders were full.

Debbie joinied us today for our last day, she led morning meeting and got some help from all of us to find out what it was that we wanted to do on this snowy day. After snack and story, we planned a snow filled day, that would ended with our families joining us for wreath decorating and a special treat.
Once we were all in our snow gear, we were ready to play outside. Debbie led us on a hike up to mossy rocks. When we were hiking up, we found something interesting, tracks. We put on our detective hats and tried to learn something from them. They were small, about 2 inches; the print had toes, and a paw that was very visible in the snpw. As we followed the tracks, one of us noticed that it left something behind, some pee. It was marking its territory. Debbie and Emily both smelt it, and it smelt musky. Putting all these pieces together, Debbie and Emily concluded that it might be a coyote!

Hiking up the hill is fun, but what’s even better is sliding down a hill! We all slide down on our bums and it sure was an adventure

All this hiking and sliding sure made us hungry. We enjoyed a nice lunch by the fire inside the barn and then to our surprise it was time for our families to arrive!
We decorated grape vine wreathes that Emily made, with materials that we collected last week. Once our wreaths were to our liking, we sat by the fire with our families, enjoys a tasty treat from one of our friends, and some hot coco. Our families joined us for our thank you circle as well.
Such a fun day at Forest Playschool. We can’t wait for it to start up in January!