A landscape photo of a slow moving shallow section of the Huntington River. Framed by green trees. There is a small hill on the horizon.
A landscape photo of a slow moving shallow section of the Huntington River. Framed by green trees. There is a small hill on the horizon.

Photo: Meghan Lee-Hall/Audubon Vermont
Photo: Meghan Lee-Hall/Audubon Vermont

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Caring for the Huntington

You can help us care for and preserve the banks of the Huntington River.

UPDATE: Since this article was written, Vermont experienced another major storm and flooding. Tropical Storm Beryl washed away the majority of the River Trail. Marked sections of the trail are closed indefinately.
The Huntington River is one of the most loved features of our 255-acre property. Many visitors enjoy meandering down the River Trail, following the river’s bends, and taking in the serene view. The Huntington also creates important habitat for fish, birds, otters, and other wildlife. It is connected to the Lake Champlain Basin, flowing into the Winooski River and then into Lake Champlain.
In recent years, climate change has brought on stronger storms that have drastically altered the banks of the Huntington. With increased erosion we lose more and more of our riverbanks each year. The flooding events in 2023 completely washed away a portion of the River Trail on the West side of our property. This spring our Junior Conservation Technicians (JCTs) rerouted this section further inland from the riverbank in hopes to insulate it from future erosion. They also dragged dead Callory Pear, a woody invasive plant, to set up a physical barrier to discourage visitors from scaling the fragile bank. They have plans to plant native riparian trees and plants to help stabilize the banks this summer.

In order for the Huntington to continue providing invaluable services for both the ecosystem and humans, we need your help! 

Here's how you can help us preserve the Huntington River and its banks:
  • Stay On Trails: Please stay on marked trails while enjoying the Huntington River. Swimming and wading are not considered normal trail use activities and are done so at your risk. Please do not climb down banks to access the river as this further damages the banks and the plants that are helping stabilize them. The only river access points are a few sandy areas directly adjacent to the trail, located across the street from the Sugarhouse Parking Area. View Map Below.

  • Keep Dogs Leashed: Dogs are required to be on leash at all times when visiting the Green Mountain Audubon Center. Keeping them on leash prevents them from accidentally damaging the vegetation and plants along the riverbank or disturbing nesting birds. Read our full dog policy here.
  • Pack In and Pack Out: Please bring all your belongings and trash with you when you leave. There are no trashcans along our trails or in our parking lots. Don’t forget to pick up after your dog and pack out your poop bags as this will help us keep trash, bacteria, and parasites out of the river!
  • Do Not Move or Remove River Rocks: Moving rocks from the river disrupts the ecosystem by disturbing or killing aquatic plants, insects, and fish eggs. It can also displace the soil in the area, making banks even more prone to erosion.
  • Reduce Chemical Contamination: Consider wearing reef safe sunscreen and removing flea and tick collars from pets if wading in the river (again at your own risk).
Other important trail rules to keep in mind when visiting the Huntington River at Green Mountain Audubon Center this summer:
  •  Camping and fires are not permitted.
  • The Green Mountain Audubon Center is an alcohol, smoke, and drug-free establishment.
  • Please park in designated lots only. Do not park along roads or in our fields. Parking along the roads creates a safety hazard for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers. Parking in our fields damages vegetation and endangers ground nesting birds. Not to mention that poison ivy grows along the road and in some of our fields! If our parking lots are full, please come back and visit us another time!
  • Parking areas are not monitored, be sure to lock your cars and leave belongings at your own risk. 

Thank you for joining us in stewarding the ecologically important and diverse lands at the Green Mountain Audubon Center. Together we can help ensure that this special place can be enjoyed by both people and wildlife for years to come.

Learn more about the restoration work happening at the river.
A trail map of the Green Mountain Audubon Center. Two spots are marked with check marks on the section of the River Trail across Main Street. The section of River Trail on the west side is marked with an X
There are no river access points on the west side of the River Trail. There are a few areas on the east side (across Main Road) that can be accessed from the trail. Please do not climb down banks to create additional accesses.

How you can help, right now