By Rae Bronenkant
It is finally warming up! Sort of…. Today we bundled up and headed down to beaver pond to explore and look for creatures. We talked about salamanders and enjoyed all the bridges we had to cross on our way down to Beaver Pond.

When we got there we realized the runoff from up the hill was going the ‘wrong way’! A family at playgroup, earlier that week, had tried to reroute the water to head to the pond but the rain powered over those efforts. This sparked an epic mission of working together to reroute the water.

There was a lot of trial an error. There were big rocks, little rocks, sticks, hands and feet, all helping to make the water travel to Beaver Pond. We spent a long while doing this and eventually succeeded!

After all that work it was time for lunch then the slow and steady hike back up to the barn.