OUR LAST DAY! So many feelings surrounding it, but mostly happy.
We started our day biking! We cruised up and down the driveway showing off all of our moves with our friends. We could have biked for all 4 hours.

We all planned our day, and Emily wanted to fit in everything we suggested, and she did!

After having snack in the barn we geared up and began our journey down to THE BROOK! Emily brought yogurt cups to catch critters with. We built rock towers and splashed in the brook too. We also practiced skipping rocks.

We enjoyed lunch at Forest Camp for the last time and Emily made a fire to keep us warm and the bugs away!

Forest Playschool is one of my favorite programs, and it has been such an honor to spend the time with your kiddos. Our next session starts in September! Email Debbie Archer if you are interested in registering!