We started our day out in the front yard before going in to have Morning Meeting and snack. It was a bit slippery this Friday but that didn't stop us from making snow slides and sledding down the hill! Friends were also pushing shovels on the road, acting like snow plows. Our Morning Meeting leader decided that today we should all go on a hike to lookout rock and do a craft. We hadn't hiked to lookout rock since the fall, so we were all excited to see how it looks in the winter.

Before we started our journey, Rae took a moment to show us on the map where we were, and then helped us figure out where we would be traveling to. Our Morning Meeting leader led the way up the hires trail, and with some help from friends, they directed the whole group up to lookout rock.

Once up there, we talked about the names of the different mountains we could see, like Camels Hump or Mount Mansfield. Some friends decided to make a boat out of the bench and we traveling to distant lands on the faraway mountains. On our way back down, we stopped and ran as fast as we could all the down to forest camp. Some friends even rolled!

Once back at the barn, we ate lunch and listened as Rae and Emily K. read some stories. We then got out coloring and made some beautiful drawings of cars, flowers, trains..... We had such a great time today!