
Birds and Bees Getting a Boost from Solar

Birds and Bees Getting a Boost from Solar

— Audubon Vermont is partnering with solar energy producers to create pollinator and bird habitat around solar arrays.
Karma Yoga Raises Funds and Awareness

Karma Yoga Raises Funds and Awareness

— Yoga Roots partners with All Souls Interfaith Gathering to support Audubon Vermont
Audubon Vermont speaks out for protecting bird habitat

Audubon Vermont speaks out for protecting bird habitat

— The Silvio O. Conte Wildlife Refuge could help protect thousands of acres of critical wildlife habitat.
Fall programming: Back in action!

Fall programming: Back in action!

— Forest preschoolers rack up an impressive amount of time outside
Welcome to Forest Preschool

Welcome to Forest Preschool

— Fall/Winter session starts Friday, September 8!
Audubon Vermont's Fall Events

Audubon Vermont's Fall Events

— Fall events are filling up fast. Register now before it's too late!
Summer in a Bird-Friendly Maple Sugarbush

Summer in a Bird-Friendly Maple Sugarbush

— A Bird-Friendly Maple Assessment at Couching Lion Maple Sugar Farm