
Senators Push for the U.S. Department of Interior to Reverse Course on Harmful Migratory Bird Treaty Act Changes

Senators Push for the U.S. Department of Interior to Reverse Course on Harmful Migratory Bird Treaty Act Changes

— Senators Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders join a growing number of U.S. Senators calling for the U.S. Department of Interior to reverse course on its disastrous decision to roll back the long-time protections for birds under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
Vermont Bill Hits the “Suite” Spot

Vermont Bill Hits the “Suite” Spot

— Hotels Targeted for Ban of Travel-Sized Hygiene Products
Vermont Senate Passes Bill to Protect Migratory Birds

Vermont Senate Passes Bill to Protect Migratory Birds

— Bill will return to the Vermont House in the fall. Vermont H.683 is necessary to fill the gap left by federal rollbacks of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, one of our nation’s oldest wildlife protections.
We're going Virtual!

We're going Virtual!

— Order your Camp-in-a-Kit today!
Vermont Senate Considering the Global Warming Solutions Act

Vermont Senate Considering the Global Warming Solutions Act

— Please call your Senator to urge a vote for H.688, the Global Warming Solutions Act, which holds the state of Vermont accountable for addressing climate change. Now is the time to act.
U.S. Senate Votes to Protect Birds, Improve Parks, and Create Jobs

U.S. Senate Votes to Protect Birds, Improve Parks, and Create Jobs

— Bipartisan legislation to provide permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund advances out of the U.S. Senate.
It's Time to Build a Truly Inclusive Outdoors

It's Time to Build a Truly Inclusive Outdoors

— As the nation continues to confront racism, the birding community must embrace difficult conversations.
Audubon Photography Awards Show Canceled in Vermont

Audubon Photography Awards Show Canceled in Vermont

— The traveling photo exhibit has been put on indefinite pause due to the Coronavirus outbreak.