
High School Opportunities with Audubon Vermont

High School Opportunities with Audubon Vermont

— Do you know someone who is between the ages of 14 and 18, interested in conservation work, and looking to build their professional skills? See what Audubon is offering!
Introducing our AmeriCorps Members!

Introducing our AmeriCorps Members!

— AmeriCorps members aid in our mission. This year we have the privilege of hosting two!
Winter is the Perfect Time to Enhance Shrubland Habitat

Winter is the Perfect Time to Enhance Shrubland Habitat

— Demonstrating mechanical habitat management in Champlain Valley shrublands.
Climate Watch: Winter Survey

Climate Watch: Winter Survey

— The winter survey period for Climate Watch starts January 15!
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

— Wishing you a wintry, peaceful pause.
A North Country Christmas Bird Count

A North Country Christmas Bird Count

— Participating in 122 years of community science.
Watershed Wonders

Watershed Wonders

— Students explore their place in the landscape in a new Audubon education program.
Farming Can Be for the Birds

Farming Can Be for the Birds

— Recent study and videos demonstrate the benefits of diversified farming.