At Forest Playschool we make the best out of every situation, like a very wet, gloomy, and rainy day. Everyone arrived all already to trek outside in their rain suits and boots! Debbie and Emily set up a long table on the ground and put a sheet of paper over it so that everyone could free draw and have their own chunk of space. This morning we were a little squirmy, so after morning meeting Emily thought it would be a great idea to have a dance party, and it was so much fun! We danced to a few songs and then got ready for our day.
Our morning meeting leader planned a great day hiking outside, and everyone was so excited to hike in the rain. We started down the White Pine trail and got to the troll bridge where we all got a chance to share a joke before we went over it. We made it to the Beaver Pond overlook and we to a moment to talk about fog, why it forms, how it moves, and what it even is.

Right before we got to Beaver Pond, something made us stop. MUD! The area we call “sandy corners” was all muddy and wet, which was perfect for JUMPING and SPLASHING. We had so much fun jumping around in the mud! Some of us got to learn how to get our boots unstuck from the mud (lift up the heal of your foot so that it creates and air pocket).
Puddle stomping

We eventually made it to beaver pond where we watch the water from up the hill, where we were just hiking, flow down into the pond and slid on the mud.

By the time we were done playing and exploring it was time to hike back up for lunch!

No matter the weather, we whether the weather, whether we like it or not! But we always like it!