It was a beautiful snowy day on Friday, Apparently Vermont didn't get the memo that the first day of spring was this Wednesday! We started our day again out up at Forest camp making and destroying snowmen, catching a ride on our mysterious monster truck train and baking delicious snow goodies. We eventually headed back down to the barn for some snack and story. Our leader of the day decided that we should hike to Look Out Rock and not only have a dance party but also do some coloring.
The Leader of the day led the way as we made it all the way up to Look Out Rock. With the fresh snow falling down on us it was like we were walking in a winter wonderland. It was a little slippery so friends had a good time sliding on their bottoms down the mountain.

When we made it back we had a quick lunch and story before a freeze dance party! Everyone was having so much fun we didn’t even realize it was time for pick up!