We had such an incredible day at Forest Playschool this Friday! It finally was starting to feel like spring, and the rain held off for us all day, which Rhys and Emily didn’t complain about.
As all of our friends started to arrive they joined Rhys in the woods to do a leaf litter search. Emily found a red back salamander under the first log she turned over! We found a lot of slugs and worms under the rocks, they were so slimy and wiggly!

Once all of our friends arrived Rhys lead morning meeting, it was his last day at Forest Playschool so we were going to go to all of his favorite places. We made sure to pack our snack to have on the trail so we could start hiking right away. Our hike down was great, we saw so many signs of spring, Trout Lily’s and Trillium are beginning to bloom!

We were almost at Beaver pond and all of a sudden, Rhys stopped and motioned to slow down and lower our voices. There was a BARRED OWL in our path! We all got very quiet and watched the owl walk on the path. It noticed us so it flew into a tree in front of us, what an experience!
At beaver pond we mixed paint and mud and made some mud art. We painted on paper, and some of us painted on rocks or branches. We have a great group of artists here.
We were also so excited about all the mud that we needed to play and explore in it. We all worked together to make one big mud mountain! We sure got muddy and wet, all signs of a great day.

We walked back up to barn for lunch and on our way along Pepper Pond we noticed a Painted Turtle. We all got a chance to hold it and made sure to put it back where we found it.

Debbie met us at the picnic tables for lunch. We needed to celebrate Rhys’s last day, so she brought a yummy treat. She also sang us a song about recycling which was so fun and made us all start singing.
I can’t wait for more warm weather at Forest Playschool.