Happy Friday the 13th! It seemed fitting that the morning was dark and rainy. We started or day inside with some coloring and crafts. First we colored some maple-themed coloring sheets to review what we had learned last week.

After coloring we cleaned up our materials and sat or morning meeting. Before announcing the morning meeting leader, we always do a drum roll to add suspense and excitement. We invited our morning meeting leader to the head of the table to start planning the day! The morning meeting leader gets to place the activities they want to do on our board. Our leader decided we would do a craft, play outside and then come back inside for stories and games.

For our craft we made penguins out of construction paper! So many of playschoolers have spent the winter sledding and sliding on their bellies like penguins that we thought this was the perfect craft to end the season with. We went through the craft step by step and encouraged playschoolers do their own placement and gluing. Some penguins were traditional black, but we had quite a few pink, purple and red penguins!

We like to get outside no matter what the weather as long as it is safe. Pouring rain can't stop us! We suited up and went outside to splash in puddles, dance and use our imaginations to bake pies and cakes in our 'mud kitchen.' The mud kitchen is just a box full of staff donated kitchen items like bowls, muffin tins, cups and spoons that can be used to 'cook' some pretend delicacies. Having rain falling onto our mud meals proved to be a new challenge in getting your food to the customer in time!

We stayed out for just under an hour. We got really wet! We had to hang all of our outdoor layers on a rack by the wood stove to dry. To warm up inside, we played Simon Says. This is a great game to play to practice good listening skills and get really silly. The group seemed a little lower in energy than usual, so we spent the rest of the afternoon reading stories. Everyone was such a great listener!

By Sarah Hooghuis
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