What a day!
It’s been very warm which means all of the snow has been melting, but then suddenly a super cold front moved in and all of our melted snow turned to ICE!
To start our morning Emily found these HUGE pieces of cardboard and thought it would be super cool to color all over them, everyone agreed.

After coloring Rae and Emily made sure we put our water bottle and snack in our backpacks because we were going on an adventure. Emily and Rae found something incredible the day before and wanted to share it with the Playschoolers.
We hiked/slid/crawled and made it all the way down to Beaver Pond! Oh wow was that an experience. When we got to the pond we noticed something was different. The day before Emily and Rae noticed the pond had FROZEN OVER (and tested that it was safe to walk on).

We walked on the middle of the pond, which was AMAZING! We slid on our bellies and looked at frozen tracks in the ice. Rae even brought paints and we painted the ice. We thought about animals that live in the pond, like fish and turtles, and painted them on the ice.

It was getting late in the day and we needed to make it back for lunch, so we hiked all the way back up to the barn and ate our lunches so quickly! We were super hungry.

Next week we won’t have Forest Playschool, but Emily can’t wait to see everyone on March 9th!