By Rae Bronenkant
Today we started the day trying something new, we grabbed our backpacks and headed right for forest camp! This was a bit different than usual and took a moment to settle in. Once we were there we found the perfect place for our mud kitchen, and started collecting things to make a fire later in the day. We also had a surprise visitor Debbie who spent the day with us. It was the first chilly morning, so we made sure to stay moving and playing to stay warm.

It was magical sitting at our stump circles planning the day. Our morning meeting leader chose to go on a big adventure and head to Beaver Pond! With that decision we grabbed our things and headed down the trail! Part way through the hike was took a break to have lunch, to refuel for the adventure ahead.

Along the way we told jokes to the bridge troll and stopped to play in the sandiest part of Audubon. We had lunch at beaver pond and we put all of our muscles to the test by climbing up the rocky slide that is a river in the spring.

It was a lovely day at Forest Playschool!