By Rhys Keenhold
This week at Forest Playgroup, we played in the two feet of new snow! This March we have received the most snow that we have had all season! All of this new snow made for a great day of adventuring outside, but also a little difficult.
We began our day outside on the humungous new snowbank right outside of the barn! The snowbank was so big and deep that we couldn't even take sled down it! We has so much fun looking at all of the views from the top, we could see all the way down to the fields below!

After climbing the snowbank, we went inside for morning meeting. During morning meeting we made our daily plan, and choose to go back outside right away! We played in the front yard with shovels, as well as our mud kitchen supplies. Debbie came and joined our group, and brought big bins to fill with snow to make snow blocks. We all helped to fill the bins with snow and pack it down tight to make snow blocks.
We read a story about a family who spent an entire day making maple syrup in their sugarhouse during snack time. After our snack, we went back outside to do our weekly job of filling up the bird feeders. This week we had to fill four different bird feeders, these birds sure can eat!

We finished our day playing outside one last time in the front yard. We got the sleds out and made a sled path down the bank. Finally, we went inside for lunch and concluded with our thank you circle.

We had such a great time this week, and look forward to playing with all of our friend again next week in the snow!