Definitely, the chilliest Forest Preschool at Audubon this year, but that does not stop us from going outside and having fun! The days are getting colder, but this group was ready to brave the cold in their nice warm layers, hats and even gloves. Debbie and Emily set up the front yard for us to play in, and Debbie laid cards around for all of us to find, it was a fun little scavenger hunt. We found all of them, talked about each of the critters on the cards, and made the sounds they make.

Before we knew it, Debbie and Emily looked at their watched and saw it was time to get to Forest Camp for our morning meeting. We gathered all of our belonging and made our way to Forest Camp. Our morning meeting leader planned a great day; we would have snack and story, hike up to Mossy Rocks, play there for a while, even enjoy our lunchtime there, hike back down to Forest Camp for playing and then end our day in the barn with our Thank-you Circle and pick-up!

Mossy Rocks is a group favorite when it comes to places to visit during Forest Preschool. A wonderful area has so much to offer in terms of wildlife, coverage and fun! This place really lets each Forest Preschoolers imagination run wild and free. They build from each other’s thoughts and create this beautiful experience.

Eating lunch on the ground at Mossy Rocks is always fun and it’s nice to eat somewhere new every now and then. We talked about nature and our favorite parts of it all while sharing smiles and laughs. This group sure loves to eat, if they could they would eat the entire time they were here,
As always, we ended with playing and went to the barn to share with each other our favorite parts from the day, and what we are thankful for.