THE LAST DAY OF FOREST PLAYSCHOOL! How is that possible, it feels like we just started!
The day was full of fun, adventure and laughs, which is the best way to end our time together for the season.
There was still plenty of snow on the ground, which always makes for great fun. Debbie and Emily gave friends space rides in our sled, they went so fast that they traveled to Mars and back! Others made a train and traveled to Florida to warm up and back to Vermont because they missed the snow.

Our final morning meeting leader really wanted to go on a snow hike, and everyone yelled with joy at that idea. Before we went on our hike Emily had a great craft, we made crystal ornaments to hang around our homes or rooms. We got to design our own shape with a pip cleaner and then with hot water and borax in a cup, wait until the crystal clings to the pip cleaner. We also helped Rae make ice lanterns with yogurt cups and rocks!
Our hike lead us up through the warbler trail above the garden. On our hike, we saw so many tracks! Mouse, squirrel, bunny, fox, and even BOBCAT! We even found a fox den and saw tracks coming out of it.

What a way to end our time together! Rae and I cannot wait for our next session to start in January!